Sunday, March 1, 2015
Time to get back
Today someone asked me about the time frame in which Landon did some. To find the answer I came to this blog to look up a post I did. To be honest, I just didn't realize how far he had come in the past several years. Looking back over my posts and seeing all the videos left me with the need to start back again. This blog has never promised to be eloquently written because that is just not me. At first the blog was written so that I could keep our family up to date on Landon and how he was growing. Now, I think that will be one purpose but it will also be for us to be able to look back and see how Landon has grow. Let's see where this takes us :)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Fun Bath Idea
I am addicted to Pinterest and I found this really cool idea. I found a whole tube (15) of glow sticks at Target for $1. They are non-toxic, just in case they were to leak. |
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
It is the middle of January and I am just now posting about Christmas but that's how it goes on this blog. What a great time we had with family. Travis got to spend some time with his family which he really enjoyed. I lost count of how many puzzles he and his mom worked but it was something like 5.
Because my brother lives in Nashville now, we celebrated Christmas with his family the week before Christmas. Landon was so excited to open his gift and couldn't wait to play with his new Imaginext Toy Story 3 Tri-County Landfill. But more than his new toy, Landon LOVES his cousins Skyla and Spencer and it's great when he gets to spend time with them. I hate that we all live so far away and the time they get to spend together is so little but we will take what we can get. The only thing missing from this day was Travis. Landon and I came to Knoxville about 4 days before Travis because he had to word until the Wen. before Christmas. The pictures from this day are great except for the fact that Travis is missing. We wish that he could have been there!
Christmas Eve we went to the Kerr's to have a great meal and open lots of goodies. Landon got another Woody (Hawaiian Woody) from Uncle Kevan, Lego walkie talkies from Gee and Papaw, Matchbox cars and track from Uncle Brian, and iTunes card from Caylin and Megan. This video shows how much fun the Kerr boys had with Landon's race track. I guess there are just some toys that you just never outgrow.

Christmas Eve we went to the Kerr's to have a great meal and open lots of goodies. Landon got another Woody (Hawaiian Woody) from Uncle Kevan, Lego walkie talkies from Gee and Papaw, Matchbox cars and track from Uncle Brian, and iTunes card from Caylin and Megan. This video shows how much fun the Kerr boys had with Landon's race track. I guess there are just some toys that you just never outgrow.
I wasn't sure that Landon was going to accept adding a new Woody to his collection of friends but Uncle Kevan will be happy to know that we now travel everywhere with not 2 Woody's but 3.
We spent Christmas Day at the Curington house. We had a great time with my mom, dad, April, Bobby, Cory and Ryan. It was a great day and of course Landon got lots more fun stuff the play with including a play saxophone from Aunt April and Uncle Bobby, some cool games from Granny and Papaw and a BIG Toy Story coloring book and music CD from Cory and Katelyn.
All of this being said....we didn't forget that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus's Birthday. We make sure that the time leading up to Christmas day and even Christmas day of we talk to Landon about Jesus being born. He has his own manger scene to play with and we read lots of books about the real meaning behind Christmas. So......don't judge this post as we focus on the wrong things. But honestly, we try to teach the idea of Christmas all year long and not just in December.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
What God can do
I found this web site and it so touch me. I loved hearing how God used this young man to encourage his parents to go on this mission trip and in turn touch the lives of who knows how many children with special needs. I can't wait to see how God is going to use Landon as the years pass.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
5th Birthday Party
Landon's birthday is on a Sunday this year so we decided to have a birthday party on Saturday. Our close friends the Reeds have a little girl, Emily, whose birthday is on the 22nd so we decided to have their birthday parties together this year. The gifts were so thoughtful, and we would like to say thank you, but the best part of the day was getting to spend a special day with friends.
Here are Landon and Emily's cakes. Emily wanted a "Princess and the Pauper" cake and her mom, Allison, came through. |
finished cake with candles |
Landon loves the Birthday song and blowing out candles |
Travis, Landon, and Beverly |
This is the first year that I think he really enjoyed opening gifts with phrased like, "Oh Wow" and "Cool" and, "OOO". It was so much fun to watch him. |
Landon playing the guitar he got from his mom and day |
Landon playing the drums he got EARLY from his mom and dad. |
Friday, September 23, 2011
The Making of the 5th Birthday Cake
The time has arrived to start working on Landon's Birthday Cake. Wow!! I can't believe that he is going to be 5 years old this year...Oh how the time flies by. This year was another easy year to come up with a theme for his birthday: Imagination Movers. For those of you who don't know who they are, here is a quick link that tells you and little about who the movers are and what their show is like. Landon LOVES to watch their show which includes singing, dancing, playing instruments, and NINA!! Anyway, back to the birthday theme, The theme was easy but finding a cake idea to match was not as easy. I finally found a cake I liked online, sorry to whoever make the cake: I can't find it again, that I thought was going to be easy to make and this is how it went:
I was overall pleased with the outcome. There were a few things that bothered me such as you could see some of the "crumbs" through the icing but that comes from lack of experience and there was nothing I could do about it. All that matter's: Landon LOVED it!! I could ask him, "What kind of cake do you have?" and he would say, "Movers." I would ask him, "Who is on your cake?" and he would say, "Warehouse Mouse". Isn't that what it's all about?
I used a block to help me level each cake (That's what I have so that's what I use) |
Travis made me a template so I could cut the cakes to look like gears |
Landon helped me make the icing |
This is the end product. Warehouse mouse piped onto the top layer, and FYI, this was my first time ever piping ANYTHING!! It was easier than I thought it was going to be. |
I was overall pleased with the outcome. There were a few things that bothered me such as you could see some of the "crumbs" through the icing but that comes from lack of experience and there was nothing I could do about it. All that matter's: Landon LOVED it!! I could ask him, "What kind of cake do you have?" and he would say, "Movers." I would ask him, "Who is on your cake?" and he would say, "Warehouse Mouse". Isn't that what it's all about?
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Car Camping
We finally did it. We went, as Travis calls it, Car Camping. Some friends of ours decided it would be great fun to have a multifamily camp out. Now this was not your typical camp-out.
There were about 15 families that came, it was in the back yard of Travis' Boss's family home (not where he lives but where he grew up) in the big town of Arvonia, VA. This location meant that we had the benefit of having indoor plumbing, which is a big plus for me! Because Travis is such a big Back Packer he never really considered it camping unless you had walked, a really long way, to your campsite. Now that we have Landon I think that maybe he has changed his mind, a little bit, in certain circumstances. We started planning for this outing by making a trip to REI for suitable car camping items. After much research, by Travis, we found the perfect items: tent, mattress pad, head lamp for Landon, and lantern. Now we were ready!

The outing started with an inflatable bouncy. Yea I know, that's a little odd for a campout but this outing was set up for families for little kids and it was great fun. Landon jumped, ran, and flopped for hours. I think Travis was more worn out by night fall than Landon was from jumping, running, and flopping with him!
Once it started getting dark it was time to watch a movie. They had a huge blow up movie screen so we gathered around with camp chairs and blankets and watched 'Rio". Watching a movie was a great idea because how do you keep up with several young children in the dark? The movie was a big hit and by the end Landon was barely awake and ready for bed.
Sleeping in the tent was a great adventue within its self. Landon thought it was so fun to crawl into the tent with mom and dad and sleep, in the middle of course!
I wish that I had taken more pictures but we were having just to much fun to stop and grab the camera.
not a great picture but it's hard to take a pic of a moving little boy at wearing a head lamp! |
Once it started getting dark it was time to watch a movie. They had a huge blow up movie screen so we gathered around with camp chairs and blankets and watched 'Rio". Watching a movie was a great idea because how do you keep up with several young children in the dark? The movie was a big hit and by the end Landon was barely awake and ready for bed.
Landon sleeping in the tent with "blankie" on his head. |
I wish that I had taken more pictures but we were having just to much fun to stop and grab the camera.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Social Stories
A common "issue" with kids with Down Syndrome is stubbornness. Yes, I know, all of you parents out there who have little ones are saying," all kids are stubborn" and that may be true but kids with DS tend to have a little extra punch. This is not true for all kiddos but a lot. Also, this stubbornness is not always a bad thing but can be a bit frustrating. Here lately we have been dealing with a little of the battle of the wills at our house. Landon is really testing his boundaries and this is a lot easier to deal with at home compared to dealing with it while we are out or at therapy.
The two areas that have been VERY difficult have been during speech therapy and swim lessons. After a little research I decided to try the idea of creating a social story. Social stories were originally thought of for kids with autism but really work for any child who would benefit from expectations written out and read over in book form. I thought I would make a social story for speech first to see how it worked. I took the camera to speech and took pictures of EVERYTHING. Starting with what he does while I sign him in to what he does when we are done with speech. IT WORKED!!! I didn't really have high expectations but just thought it was worth a try, and like everything else we do with Landon, he proved me wrong. Before I did the social story, when I told him we were going to speech he would say, "no, no, no" and during speech he wouldn't follow the schdule, wouldn't cooperate or do what was asked of him. Since writing the book and reading it with him at least one day before and the day of speech, none of those things are true. He has been obeying Ms. Lori and acting like he had been a few months ago.
Because the social story seemed to be working with speech I decided to try to make one for his swim lessons. His teachers are college students and they were not very firm with him. He was getting out of the pool several times and ignoring them when they would ask him to get back in. He would say, "all done, all done" after not even really trying to do what they asked. so....I took the camera to swim lessons and took lots of pictures. Then the social story was created. We read the story several times before swim lessons and guess what....the best behavior he has had since he started. :)
Quincadence or not... I don't know but i really think they work. I look forward to going to speech again and am thankful that he is finally showing his swim teachers what a good little boy he is. It's amazing that something as simple as a story can change a situation. I am very thankful.
The two areas that have been VERY difficult have been during speech therapy and swim lessons. After a little research I decided to try the idea of creating a social story. Social stories were originally thought of for kids with autism but really work for any child who would benefit from expectations written out and read over in book form. I thought I would make a social story for speech first to see how it worked. I took the camera to speech and took pictures of EVERYTHING. Starting with what he does while I sign him in to what he does when we are done with speech. IT WORKED!!! I didn't really have high expectations but just thought it was worth a try, and like everything else we do with Landon, he proved me wrong. Before I did the social story, when I told him we were going to speech he would say, "no, no, no" and during speech he wouldn't follow the schdule, wouldn't cooperate or do what was asked of him. Since writing the book and reading it with him at least one day before and the day of speech, none of those things are true. He has been obeying Ms. Lori and acting like he had been a few months ago.
Because the social story seemed to be working with speech I decided to try to make one for his swim lessons. His teachers are college students and they were not very firm with him. He was getting out of the pool several times and ignoring them when they would ask him to get back in. He would say, "all done, all done" after not even really trying to do what they asked. so....I took the camera to swim lessons and took lots of pictures. Then the social story was created. We read the story several times before swim lessons and guess what....the best behavior he has had since he started. :)
Quincadence or not... I don't know but i really think they work. I look forward to going to speech again and am thankful that he is finally showing his swim teachers what a good little boy he is. It's amazing that something as simple as a story can change a situation. I am very thankful.
Monday, March 21, 2011
World Down Syndrome Day (3/21)
Today is World Down Syndrome Day because the date is 3/21 (3 copies of the 21st chromosome). In the years past this day has come and gone without much thought. Not that celebrating Landon isn't important but I feel like it takes more than just a day. More than just posing something on Facebook, or Tweeting, or wearing a shirt or button. I feel like for people to really understand the positives of children and adults with Down syndrome they have to see them out in public doing what every other child and adult are doing. They have to hear me say, as a parent, that I really love my child, that I wouldn't trade him for anything, that I feel blessed to have him and that he teaches me new things everyday. People need to see that Down syndrome is not who Landon is, it's just one small aspect of what makes him special. For some reason this year WDSD has been on my mind a lot more. Not for the "awareness" reason but more for reflection. I have just been thinking about Landon.
I was thinking about what I wanted to write in this blog and so many thought came to mind. Sadness in the thought that 90% or more of unborn babies are aborted just because their parents get a diagnosis. Sad that number may rise due to new medical technology. Sad that not everyone gets to experience life watching a child with Down syndrome grow and develop whether that be via a child, grandchild, cousin, niece, nephew, or just close friend. I have to tell you it is AMAZING. Now notice I didn't say "easy", that it's not. But I don't know any parent would tell you that it's easy! BUT I also thought of joy. Joy in what the Bible says:
WOW! Did you just read what God said about Landon in the Bible? It says that he is WONDERFULLY made. That God created his inmost being (including one extra chromosome). I love to read those verses and think about how perfectly God made Landon. Just the way HE wanted him.
Well, that it. Just a quick thought from a mom who loves her little boy more than anything.
I was thinking about what I wanted to write in this blog and so many thought came to mind. Sadness in the thought that 90% or more of unborn babies are aborted just because their parents get a diagnosis. Sad that number may rise due to new medical technology. Sad that not everyone gets to experience life watching a child with Down syndrome grow and develop whether that be via a child, grandchild, cousin, niece, nephew, or just close friend. I have to tell you it is AMAZING. Now notice I didn't say "easy", that it's not. But I don't know any parent would tell you that it's easy! BUT I also thought of joy. Joy in what the Bible says:
Psalm 139:13-16
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
WOW! Did you just read what God said about Landon in the Bible? It says that he is WONDERFULLY made. That God created his inmost being (including one extra chromosome). I love to read those verses and think about how perfectly God made Landon. Just the way HE wanted him.
Well, that it. Just a quick thought from a mom who loves her little boy more than anything.
Happy World Down Syndrome Day
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Am I the only one?
There are times when I wonder if a mother of a typical developing child feels the same way I do. I wonder if other moms notice when their child does some the seemingly smallest task. I first began to think about this when Landon was working on sitting up. I had no idea that there were so many steps to this task. I just thought that one day you looked down at your precious little one and they were sitting. That was not the case for took lots of work and many weeks of physical therapy to accomplish this goal. But let me tell you... when it happened, we cheered and clapped like no ones business. Do moms of typical developing children even notice the first time they see this? Do they throw a "party" and have a special dinner because of the accomplishment? I don't know but I know what happened in this family!!
I say all of this to set up the occurrence at speech this week. Landon has been working so hard on his speech the past 6 months. He gets therapy at school and then we also take him to private speech at Kluge Children's Rehabilitation Center in Chartlottesville once a week for an hour. Lately he has been working on saying "ing" verbs in a three word utterance with no prompting. Ms. Lori, his therapist, shows him a picture and the goal is for Landon to say, for example, "The girl is running". Many of the pictures he has seen and knows what the verb should be but needs help putting the whole sentence together so Ms. Lori helps him by using sign language. Well, yesterday Ms. Lori showed him a picture that he had not seen before. It was of a baby taking a bath. Landon looked at the picture, immediately said, "Baby is..." and then there was a pause. You could see the little wheels turning in his head as he was trying to find the right word. He knew that the word should probably end in -ing which is why there was a pause but he couldn't come up with the right fit so he said "in bath tub". You would have thought that he just recited the Gettysburg Address. No, it wasn't exactly what we were trying for but it was so much more. We clapped, cheered, gave high fives, and praised him. And then it happened.....I began to cry. My little boy had just said, "Baby bath tub" all by himself, with no verbal or signed ques. It was a moment that I will never for get...a moment that I wonder how many moms would have over looked? I am so thankful that these "little" moments don't pass me by. I am so thankful that my little boy's hard work pays off. Honestly..... I'm just proud of him.
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