Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 2 Home School

This has been kind of a crazy week. Week 2's Lesson Plans actually didn't end until today due to a little cold Landon had. I already that this coming week is going to be equally crazy due to doctor's appointments. But we will work it all out. First I would like to share with you a video of Landon's first Home school created book for this year. I put it together in a video. I hope you enjoy. ( I hope to add a clip of him signing the Bible verse but I'm just learning how to use this site to make the video's so it may take a few days.)

Make an on-line slideshow at
Here are some of my favorite pictures for our home school this week
matching numbers to the correct picture

"Reading" Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star with his pointer
the sun he made by painting a paper plate, gluing yellow triangles around the edge, and sprinkling glitter

Week 3 Lesson's will start with the alphabet and "math".  I will describe how I am working the math program and what book I am using in my first post about week 3.