Thursday, August 19, 2010

New School Year

Landon's first day of school 2010
Buzz Lightyear backpack was a must
Landon's first day of Preschool was Monday.  He is getting to be such a big boy!  This year he is going twice a week but staying until 2:30.  I must say that Monday was the longest, loneliest day I have  ever  had.  I had so much to do around the house but I caught myself looking at my watch every 30 min. or so wishing it was time for me to go pick him up.  I must confess that I did go early to get him.

There are several changes to Landon's school schedule this year.  First,  Landon's teacher from last year is no longer there and we will miss her very much.  Second, Landon is at school from 8:30-2:30 each  day which means that he is getting his nap there.  That was one of the things I was most worried about.  I wasn't sure how he would do laying on his little mat, STAYING there, and going to sleep.  They said he did great, I'm guessing he was so tired from his busy day he would have napped anywhere.  The third change, what he does during the day. This is the part that I am most excited about. I drop Landon off in the class he was in last year, he has a little play time, eats a small snack and then goes to the 4 year old class.  This class is not a special needs class but rather a class of children that will be going to Kindergarten next year who may be lacking  a few skills they need  to be successful. This class is focused primarily on academic skills and strengthening fine motor skill needed for tasks such as using scissors, coloring, and writing.  The class that he was in last year was mainly focused on developmental activities.  Landon, along with one other child, goes down to the 4 year old class and has circle time and "table time" which is where they do their class work.  The class has one lead teacher, on assistant, and another assistant that is there for Landon and the other student.  Landon's aid is there to help him with task that he needs a little extra support in.  He stays in this class until he is "over it" for the day and then he can go back to the 3 year old class.  This schedule is fine with me because he still has one more year until he starts Kindergarten.  Next year he will be in the 4 year old class full time.  This is just a great opportunity for Landon to continue to grow and develop leaps and bounds.

I need to go and get some housework done but I will try to write about his IEP meeting and the goals we set for him soon.  Also look next week because that is when I am going to start his work at home.  I can't wait to see how he does and how much fun we are going to have together.

1 comment:

The Milne Family said...

I can't wait to see the fun you'll have also! Hope Landon has a great year!