Thursday, August 28, 2008


Today we went to the aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN. Landon took his Granny and Papaw Bill with us. It's a good thing Landon knows the sign for "fish" because he was able to get good use out of it. We had such a good time looking at all of the beautiful exhibits, but Landon had a hard time understanding that when we left one tank there were plenty more to view. When we would move from one tank he would voice his disappointment until he saw the next tank.

There are so many ways to create memories. I'm glad that Landon has Grandparents that love him and love spending time with him. Both my parents and Travis' parents have done so much in order to give Landon good memories of them. That's one reason I love scrapbooking so much. It's a great way to preserve memories so that we will always have something to remind us of all the good times we have had.

1 comment:

Cathleen said...

I love it! Gosh we have got to get these kids together on an aquarium date. (See my blog posts from July-ish, Lilly's a fish girl too!)