Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hearing Test/ENT appointment

Landon had a hearing test and an ENT appointment yesterday. First came the hearing test. Landon has not had his hearing tested since he had tubes put in his ears almost one year ago and we were anxious to see how it went. The audiologist said that he can hear pretty well but one ear drum is not vibrating at all and the other is only vibrating a little. She prepared me for the idea that Landon's tubes may be gone and fluid could be behind his ear drum or the tubes could be blocked. When we went to Dr. Early, ENT, he looked in Landon's ears and told me that both tubes are plugged. Unknown to me, Landon's lack of good sleep at night during the past couple of weeks could be due to the plugged up tubes. What does that mean? Well, first we are going to try medication. I put 3 drops in each ear twice a day for ten days. We go back on September 9 and if they are still plugged he will put new tubes in Landon's ears.

Though this is not the news we wanted to hear it's not that bad. We are glad that we found the problem early on. We will be flying in October and having the tubes working will help during take off. But, more importantly, getting the tubes fixed will allow Landon to hear even better which will help his speech develop even more. God has taken care of Landon this far and we know that He will continue to do so in this situation. We just pray, and ask you to join us, that God will heal Landon's ears however He sees fit.

1 comment:

Cathleen said...

I was about to ask you about Landon's tubes b/c of what you wrote on facebook about him going to get new tubes... but now my question is answered from your blog! (Gosh and in the old days, we would have had to talk on the phone to communicate.)