Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ducks, Creek, and Pool

Landon has had so much fun during his first week at Granny and Papaw's.  In addition to going to VBS each morning, Landon has been doing lots of fun things in the afternoons.  Granny and Papaw have ducks down in their pond.  I'm not sure if he was trying to pet them or just enjoyed watching them waddle away but he chased them all over the place.

And who could pass up a chance to play in some water.  He found a stick and had to "stir" the water.  I hadn't gotten him any water shoes at this time so he couldn't get in so Granny had to hold him to make sure that's as far as he went. 

 The days have either been very hot and muggy or rainy.  Last year Granny bought a little pool for Landon so Papaw blew it up and it was perfect.  We sat under the trees and just let him play and play.  Of course Buzz and Woody made it to the "party".

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