Thursday, September 4, 2008

NO and YES

Have you ever heard the old story, "He thinks his name is "no, no" because he hears it more often than his name." We have sort of felt that way during the last couple of months. When you told Landon no he would shake his head no. It was so cute, but the bad part was he didn't know yes. I kind of felt bad about it so I have tried to be more diligent about saying yes when he does something I ask and shaking my head yes. Finally, yesterday he did it. I was so excited that I took him outside to show Travis who was working on mulching the flower beds. Now all you have to do is say the word and he shakes his head. The video shows you just how cute it is.

The visit to Knoxville was great but it is nice to be back home in our own beds. Since we've been home Landon has been sleeping much better. I think being in a strange place wasn't allowing him to sleep very well which in turn was not allowing me to sleep very well. During the past several nights he has been taking naps and sleeping through the night like such a big boy.

Landon had physical therapy today and Ms. Thereasa said she thought it was just a matter of time before Landon takes his first steps. We can't wait! He works so hard and I love to see him making progress.


The Milne Family said...

So fun! Why is "no" so much easier?

Anonymous said...

He picks things up so quickly!

Cathleen said...

Lilly's a "no" kind of girl herself. Have you read "No David" to him yet? Lilly's obsessed with it.

And re: the walking - while it'll be nice for Lilly & Landon to be totally independently walking, isn't it amazing how "not a big deal" the late walking is? They're doing great, in my opinion.