Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Step, Step, Step

Yes. That's right. Landon took his first independent, no help standing up or walking, steps last night. Was it for Mommy....No Way...it was for Dad. I was warming up Travis' dinner because he had to work late. All I heard was, "Well, come here......Yea! Good Job!!!" When I went into the play room Travis said that he had turned his head for just a second and when he looked back Landon had stood up in the middle of the floor so he told him to come here....and he did. Landon took about 3 steps to get to Travis. Landon had been taking a few steps before but we were giving him a lot of help. This was the first time he stood up in the middle of the floor and took independent steps with no hands guiding him or someone balancing him. Now this morning he has done is several times more. I'm sure he is thinking, "O.K. mom can we play with my cars now?" I'll try to catch a video of it later today...if he will cooperate. We continue to give God the glory. Our God is GREAT!

I feel like I need to give a little background on the original purpose of this blog. I know that now, many old, not by age but by time, friends have started keeping up with us through this blog which I am very excited about. I started writing because a close friend of ours, Julie, started one to keep not only her relatives that live far away current with her kids but also her husband who is deployed with the Coast Guard right now. I thought what a great way to keep friends and family close though they may be hundreds of miles away. So the kerrfamilyupdate blog began. Now for what this blog is not.....I do not pretend to be a great author or English teacher. This blog will never become a great novel nor is it grammatically error free. Most of the time when I post, time is short. It is usually when Landon is down for a nap and I need to be doing housework or at night when Landon is asleep and I need to be spending time with my wonderful husband, or I need to be sleeping. I write all of that to say this: Please excuse any mistakes that you find and and shortness of the posts. I just want to share with my family and friends the everyday things that are going on in our lives to help us stay close though the miles may keep us apart.

For those friends that have blogs of their own, thank you for taking the time to keep us involved in your lives.


The Milne Family said...

I love seeing pictures of and reading about (you and) Landon! I really feel like I know a little about how you're doing now! I'm so excited for his 1st steps! Seems like once my boys took their 1st few steps, the crawling days were very soon over! (And a whole lot more bumps and bruises appeared!)

Cathleen said...

Very proud of Landon! Especially cool that our kids are walking within like a week of each other. I feel so blessed to have you as my fellow mom going through all this at the same time. Our kids are truly amazing. And your blog is great - I really look forward to reading it. You're inspiring me to bring out the teacher in myself. Can't wait to get the kids back together next summer!

James and Laura said...

whoo-hoo! Go, Landon! You guys must be so proud:)

Thanks for taking the time to blog- I know it's hard to keep up, but we do really enjoy feeling connected to you all in this small way.

Keep on keepin' on- He is faithful and so full of love! Laura

Anonymous said...

Hurray Landon!
And Beverly, I understand completely! Our blog is just for updates too to keep people informed - nothing facy - that is for sure!!

Keep the stories coming! I'm glad I have another way to keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of Landon! I can't believe he has taken his first steps! Now we can play in the sprinklers and go to Chuck E Cheese!